Sunday, October 15, 2006

Some of the Results are In. I went to the oncologist on Thursday for my 3-wk visit. We reviewed earlier test results and compared them to past results. On the positive side, my kappa light chain (KLCs) proteins, the proteins that are in part clogging my kidneys, have dropped from 1,000 micrograms per liter (ug/l) to 200 ug/l. Though, normal KLCs range between 1 - 2 ug/l. So, it's a significant drop and hopefully we continue to see good decreases so they get under control. Conversely though, the oncologist wasnt as optimistic about my kidneys returning to function. He had hoped to see better improvements during this visit. But, they havent shown much of anything yet. I think the KLCs have, did, and are clogging up my kidneys to such an extent that they may not come back. If I look back, they've really been impacted since May or June. But, I'm a stubborn-son-of-bitch with a grudge against dialysis and my renal doctor. I've vowed to myself that I will not be in dialysis. So, I look back on my last couple of blogs and my last doctor visits and I asked for people's prayers and positive thoughts etc for some small hope for some small positive. And, the KLC proteins showed a good decrease. Well, this time, I'm gonna ask and pray that I can get my kidney functions back. I'm not usually a person to ask for material things (I'm afraid of the ol' saying of be careful what you wish for). But, I really don't want to spend my life in dialysis. I'm grateful for the nurses and doctors that keep it going. But, it's such a spiritual drain going there 3x week for 4.5 hrs a session. I can deal with the cancer. But, cancer and kidney failure sometimes gets to be a bit much. So, we had results praying for a small miracle...maybe I can get a little bigger miracle this time. I guess it's still part of the acceptance process. I'm not looking to conceed yet. And the next step is to have a dedicated catherter installed in my right arm. It does better at cleaning out the blood and has a less chance of infection then the long-term temporary hemosplit catherter currently in my chest. I see people in dialysis with them and looks to me to deform the arm slightly and people can struggle with bleeding when the session ends. But, it's really the next progression for me that says, "you may not be getting better". And, I'm not ready for that. Overall though, it was a good week. I had a little bit more time to myself that I got use to. I continue to try to stay up beat. Back in chemo I've seen a lot a people and met a lot of good cancer patients. Personally, I don't want to be a good cancer patient. I see people set up shop in the chemo center. And, they seem to be concentrating on the fact they have cancer rather then the life still around them. Now, I may be no where where they are at. But, at this time in my treatment and in my life, I want to continue to focus on my life around me. Call it denial. Call it what you will. But, I go to my treatments and I still havent looked at one injection. I just don't give the cancer an upper hand. I choose not to recognize it and I continue on with my life. I do what I got to do but I go on with my life....if that makes any sense. It was a good weekend on the home front too. Becky and I got to make Winter Squash Soup and Apple Pie on Saturday. I had all the intentions to help out in the kitchen. But, after we got done shopping Becky still had the energy and did most of the cooking and baking. Me? Well, I had to struggle watching football, hockey and baseball while I kept my feet elevated on the couch (to keep the swelling down in my ankles...honestly! Yep, it was tough :-). I did help out though when I had to scoop the now-boiling-hot-squash from the roaster and into the soup pot. My fingers are still burned from that. I gotta give Becky credit she knew when to call in for help...the brains of the bunch. Seriously, we got done cooking and baking around 10:00pm and had some of the best soup and apple pie I've ever had! We made 12 servings of soup so it's in the freezer. Ask me what I'm having for dinner the next few months and don't be surprised if I'm having squash soup! Thanks again for everyone's help and support. You' all are great. Love ya, Lance

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