Sunday, November 26, 2006

Angels in the Office: I don't know who you are. And, I don't know how to thank you. But, you angels of the office helped me in more ways than you'll ever know. For those who don't know what I'm talking about; my company instituted a donate your PTO days (time off) program. Well...I just found out this week that people have been contributing to me. And, I'm overwhelmed that people would do that, and comes at when I really needed it. See, I got this email from HR that states that I will now be responsible for ALL my benefits; my contributions as well as the company's. That works out to almost $400/month. Being on disability and/or Social Security would've made finding that money difficult. However, I checked my PTO statement and found that it wasnt what I thought it was. I though I would have used almost all of my PTO. But, to my surprise, there now looks like there is enough for me to cover my health care benefits until I return to work. Words can't explain how grateful I am to whomever contributed. And words can't explain how, after last week, those kind gestures helped me start to have faith again. That and a converstation with an old friend (not that she's old) who told me that I need to change my attitude. I heard it before, but everything I had to say, she just said I had to change my attitude. I wanted to kick and scream some more. But, I couldnt. So, rather then look at what I don't have, I begun seeing what I have (again). I havent let myself dwell in the land of negatives. When it comes on, I try to quickly think of my friends, family, work, mobility, and even my health. And, keeping true to my last post, I ask myself each day, "have I done something positive for me or someone today?" And the answer lately has been, yes. There is a lot that I have going for me. I can still fall into the same traps. But...the light at the end of the tunnel may not be a train coming at me. Thanks again to everyone. Your help and support really means a lot. Much Love, Lance

Lance - my man! I miss talking with you and shooting the breeze on my trips to/from the restroom in Trenton. This is the first time I have read your blog. Glad to read that you're on track to go 18 holes with me next summer. Even before that I can take you on a motorcycle ride - if you trust me???

I think of you often - let me know if you ever need anything (a ride somewhere, groceries, etc). I am still working in HBG three days per week and check into Trenton to do timesheets, expenses, and a few tasks on the PennDOT contract.

I have an idea for you - why don't you write about your experience in New Orleans - what you saw and experienced versus what the media has portrayed - and whether or not you think the governments response was adequate. You can publish the book, be famous, and RICH!

Your bud,
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