Sunday, December 10, 2006

Two Outpatient Procedures For the Price of One! Go Figure, huh? It all started last Thursday night. I get a call from my oncologist who just received the results from an routine echocardiogram that I did earlier in the day. According to the cardiologist who reviewed the test, it appears that I may have a blood clot near my heart where my current catherter tube is located. To get a better idea of what/where etc, we need to do a Trans Esophogea Echocardiogram (TEE) which means knocking me out and sticking a monitor down my throat (oh boy!!). And, on Friday night, I get a call again from the oncologist prescribing blood thinners. So, I had originally rearranged my chemo and dialysis schedules so Friday night would be free for me to attend my company's holiday party. I was excited to meet everyone and catch up with the "going's-on" etc. But, after the news - what felt like another kick in the stomach - I just couldnt go. It's one thing to fight cancer. It's another thing to fight cancer, kindey failure, and now heart/blood issues. I guess maybe that's the only way it can be a fair fight. I mean it can't be fair for the cancer. I have all this great support and people pulling for me. So, my schedule this week turns into the TEE on Tues and the Fistula implant is still scheduled for Thursday (barring any complications). And, I still have dialysis M W F. (It's going to be an exhuasting couple of weeks). So....It took me a good day or two to get over the shock of "another" issue. I moped around the house (actually I can't even say I was "around" the house since I stayed in bed and napped on the couch). Becky came over and cheered me up by beating my butt in Parchesi and Rummikubs. (Isn't she suppose to let me win when I feel bad?) Saturday we went out and got ourselves some Christmas Trees. We got my tree up on Saturday night. Later that night (1am), I was able to put on the lights and then the ornaments. It looks good. It's a nice little reminder of the good things that can happen this time of year. Then on Sunday, I got a chance to catch up with good friends for the Eagles game. I may be negative during the games (Heck, isnt every Eagle fan?). But, to be fair...I think the Eagles are going to blow the game on every play. Anywho, hanging with my friends got me out of the house. I got to catch up with good friends who I havent seen in a while. It got me to be a part of life again. I got to see the game. And, I got to be around their kids. And to me, there's nothing like the fun and laughter of kids. It helps take away any problems that I may have. (Can you tell I don't have any So, it looks like another week in paradise for me. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I think I may need'em this week. :-). Thanks again and much love, Lance

The Eagles should be blowing it on every play, but strangely they keep winning, go figure? I was at the MNF game last week, what a great game.
Hang in there Lance! Keep putting one foot in front of the other and one day we'll all be laughing about this nightmare. Glad to hear you you got out of the house for the game, and I'm glad to hear that you haven't pushed that girlfriend out of your life. She is lucky to have you Lance, and she knows it. Good luck with all your procedures this week.
I am still in Greenville,SC for work but Nanci asked for your blog site and I thought I should check in on you.
Keep in touch!
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