Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!!!: Boy It had better be huh??!! My Horrorscope says for me to be ready for a year of luck and that even the next 11 years will be filled with luck (based upon some celestial movements or sumptin'). So, I'm hoping that when they say luck they mean "good" luck! What are my resolutions going to be? Hmmm? I'm hoping to get in touch with my higher power (since he's long lost). I hope to be a better son to my parents; a better brother to my brother and his family; and be a better friend to my friends. (PS: I also want to curse less and write neater...I'm sure these won't F-ing last long). I hope to extend the same well wishes to people I meet on the way as you've bestowed upon me. Thank you and I wish you and everyone a Safe, Healthy, and a Happy New Year. Medical Recap: Remember from my last blog and the numbness in my leg? Well, it's no longer numb. It now hurts like hell. Of course...right. Every time my pants or whatever even slightly brushes it, it feels like someone is pouring acid on my leg. Apparently its nerve damage, probably caused during my heart bypass surgery (the anastesia went into my femeral artery in my leg). I also have a similar sensation on my chest. But, it's not as debilitating.. I mean at the end of the day it just becomes too painful to do much. It can take so much out of me. And the solution? More meds! I'm tired of taking more pills. I'm tired of more of anything!! I just want to go through what I gotta go through. But, no. It's one complication after another. It's truly wearing me out. I'm starting to feel like that sickly little kid. Yet, I know I'm not. So, my doctor is tracking down a neurologist and I maybe reaching out to a lawyer. I don't want to. But, I can't afford to live like this if I don't have to. People want me to keep having a positive attitude. And I tell you it's getting tought to keep it. I feel too often like I'm being beaten down. Everytime I turn around or talk with a doctor it feels like there's another severe health issue I need to deal with before I can even deal with what I need to! Just let me do what I gotta do, ok!! (And, I'm not sure I want to do that). Ok...I vented. As far as the bone marrow transplants go; we've postponed them until probably February to let me recover from the heart bypass. In the meantime, I still need to get my fistula implanted; meet with a cardiologist; and follow up with my surgeon. Well....I thought January would be slow. LOL. That's OK. I don't know what I'd do with myself if I had down time. Love ya all and I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.

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