Monday, May 07, 2007
Post Script to My Last Entry: I measure 6'4" and weigh 215lbs. I'm a 41 yr old heterosexual male who lives in a townhome. I dont have a yard. But...If I had a yard or if I get a single-family home I would want lots of flowering trees, bushes, and flowers. I look around this spring and I see all these incredible trees and bushes; Dogwoods, Cherry Blossoms, Magnolias, and other trees I cant name. Azeleas, Rhodadenrens, Forsythia and other bushes. I want ground cover....lots of ground cover. Phlox, I think. Purple, pinks and whites. I want daffodils and tulips in all colors. Give me dark reds and deep purples and brilliant yellows. I want color, lots of color. I drive down the streets in awe. I almost run off the road looking at peoples yards or trying to peer behind there homes for that burst of color I havent seen before (there's this deep purple flowering tree with tight small buds and I think it will have dark red leaves). These trees, bushes, and flowers put a smile on my face. Sometimes they leave me breathless. It can be the small things in life sometimes that are the most special.