Sunday, June 17, 2007

I've Been Home a Week and Finally Starting to Feel Good: Man! I got home last Saturday 6/9 and I'm only now starting to feel any type of good. I wasnt sleeping. My stomach hurt. I was irratible, miserable, and depressed. Only a couple of days ago have I been able to sleep and eat anything of substance. I only now realized how much of a "Hospital Hangover" I had. It's funny. They released me and since I was no longer in the hospital I figured in my head ( a dangerous place to go alone) that I was ok now; forgetting that I had only had chemo a couple of days prior and they had me hopped up on dilaudid for 15 of my 18 days in the hospital. So, I'm still recovering from chemo and I'm also withdrawaling from the pain meds, too. Then top that off with cold, dark cloudy days earlier this week....well I didnt want to get off the couch. I was licking my wounds so to speak. I didnt feel like doing anything. I only checked my email 2 days ago for the first time. And, I've been out of week and I'm only now typing my blog. I lost interest into doing anything. Oh, and the kicker to it all....My Father went into the hospital the day I came home. My cat, which they keep at there house, bit him on the hand a couple of days prior. Well, he didnt clean it or anything and it got infected. His hand swelled up like a balloon. He finally went into the hospital last Sunday. He's lucky. He could've lost his hand. But, the doctor's got all the infection out via some quick surgeries. So, I'm just out of the hospital and I'm trying to help my Mom out to and from the hospital and around the house. But, I can't. I'm just too darn exhausted. All I want to do is lay on the couch. Each day feels like I've ran a marathon. Every muscle ached. That's how fatigued I was. Thank god for my brother and his family. They really helped take care of my Mom and Dad (and still are). They talked with and met with the doctors. They grocery shopped and did my parents laundry. They really helped out and let me rest in the process. My Father is home now. My parents are taking it easy. Something both my brother and I keep reminding them to do. My Father will be on antibiotics for a month needing to take them 4x a day. My parents are doing much better together needing to work together a little bit more than they are used to. And me? Well, life is going on. I've gotten a couple of good nights rest. I've gotten outside. I'm slowly letting my body recover. And in the process I again realize just how much effort is needed right now. If I want anything I need to make the effort to get it. Yes, I needed to rest. But, I also needed to get myself off the couch. I again began to "poor me" and looking for something else to get me out of where I was. In the end, it's me who's gotta get me out and going. So much effort sometimes to even do the littlest things. But, I equate it to that old Nike commercial. "A body at rest will stay in rest. I body in motion will remain in motion". Sometimes I need to keep reminding myself. Anyway, I visit the doctor's this week to find out where my numbers are out and how successful the transplant was. Though, actual numbers and data will still be a week away (I get bloodwork this Thurs). I'm feeling better and hoping everything went well. Overall, the 18 days I spent in the hospital weren't the worst days. The care of the staff and probaby being hopped up on pain meds made my stay that much more bearable. LOL. Anyway, take care and thanks again to all who've given sooooo much. It means a lot. Love ya all, Lance.

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